Summer is just around the corner, and it’s a good idea to take a few basic pool maintenance steps to prepare your water for the warm weather – and get ready for some fun in the sun. In this guide, we’ll give you a few tips you can use to get your pool ready for the summer.
1. Remove Your Pool Cover & Clean Your Pool
To begin, you’ll want to remove your pool cover. A pool cover is an essential tool for winter pool maintenance, as it will ensure that you can keep debris like leaves, twigs, insects, and more out of your pool.
Next, check the skimmer basket and clean your pool thoroughly, and take note of the colour of the water – green pool water, for example, means that algae has grown in the pool over the winter, and you’ll likely need to shock it with chlorine to kill it and clear up your water.
2. Check The Chlorine Level & Fill With Water
You’ll want to check the water level of your pool, and add more water if you need to. It’s important to refill your pool with water before checking the chlorine levels and chemical levels.
This is a good idea because it helps prevent inaccuracies – if you test the levels before adding more water, you won’t add the proper amount of chemicals. Once your pool’s water is at the right level, start testing your water using a test kit with chlorine test strips.
3. Balance Out Chemical Levels In The Swimming Pool Water
Depending on how well you cared for your pool during the winter, you may just be able to add a bit of chlorine and other chemicals, or you may need to completely shock the water with a lot of pool chemicals.
Based on the results of your testing strips, balance out the pH and chlorine levels of the pool to make sure that it’s safe to swim in, and will provide you and your family with a safe environment this summer.
4. Check Your Pool Filter & Replace It If Necessary
Whether you have a sand filter, cartridge filter, or any other type of filter for your in-ground pool, you’ll need to check it and make sure that it’s in good shape. Clean the filter, or replace it if necessary. The filter system needs to be clean and prepared for a lot of use before the summer, as it works with your pool pump to help keep your pool water clean.
5. Scrub Down Pool Surfaces To Keep It Clean
Vacuuming the pool and removing debris is a good start point, but if you really want your pool to sparkle, grab some cleaner and scrub down gutters, the surfaces near the water line, the ladders, and any other exposed pool element.
Follow These Tips From United Pools & Renovations For A Summer-Ready Pool
With these simple, quick tips, you’ll be able to prepare for the summer swimming season, and ensure that you, your friends, and your family can enjoy a clean, safe, and beautiful pool and escape the summer heat in style.
Need help with pool resurfacing or renovations? Contact us online or give United Pools & Renovations a ring at 0414 883 859 to get the assistance you need anywhere in the Sydney metro area.